With our recent Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) certification for our Safegrid products, Lionweld Kennedy is once again setting the benchmark for steel manufacturing worldwide! As part of our efforts to contribute to decarbonisation of the industries we operate in, obtaining the EPD for our low-carbon, infinitely recyclable Safegrid products cements our commitment to our ESG plan and minimising our impact on the world.


Below we go into detail about environmental product declarations, how they can transform the buying process and why we chose to obtain one, to highlight how important this newest certification is for Lionweld Kennedy.


What is an Environmental Product Declaration?

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a document that quantifiably demonstrates the environmental impacts of a product. They are a type 3 environmental label based on an international standard and are used by companies worldwide to demonstrate the environmental performance of their products by allowing manufacturers to tell a product’s complete sustainability story in a single, comprehensive report.

EPDs are generated based on data obtained through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which are performed using a peer reviewed Product Category Rules (PCR) document that is in line with EN 15804, ISO 14025, and other related international standards.





In short, EPDs provide confirmation that the environmental performance of a product has been independently verified, thus ensuring robust environmental transparency across the product life cycle.


How can EPDs transform the buying process?

By signalling their commitment to measuring and reducing the environmental impact of their products and services, manufacturers, like us, can disclose the impact a products’ life cycle has on the environment in a hyper-transparent way.

With EPDs, we can report comparable, objective, and third-party verified data that show the good, and the bad, about the environmental performance of our products and services, allowing our customers the opportunity to make informed decisions about the products and services they purchase. By having this information readily available, our customers are provided with the opportunity to easily assess design options that improve their project’s environmental performance and help them select the most sustainable solution. By choosing suppliers with an EPD, customers can quantify the environmental impact of their material choices and commit to a greener supply chain.

Lionweld Kennedy’s recently obtained EPD for our Safegrid products rightfully meets the requirements of our supply chain and being the first of its kind, signifies a remarkable milestone for our industry whilst setting us apart from other steel manufacturers.


Why did we obtain an EPD for our Safegrid products?

Here at Lionweld Kennedy, we are on a mission to protect the world we live in and enhance the lives of those around us, and to achieve this we are focused on sustainable business practices and minimising our environmental impact.

Our Safegrid products are highly sought after and used within many industries for a variety of applications. As we are continually improving our products, we recently redeveloped the way in which we produce our Safegrid steel panels, resulting in an estimated reduction in steel of over 185 tonnes per year, electricity savings of at least 6% and a significant reduction in carbon emissions. Taking all of this into consideration, and as our core product range, our Safegrid products seemed the perfect first choice to obtain an EPD certification and help us to lead the change in steel manufacturing.

A business that cares about the environment is now an expectation, a business that can show the impact of its products and their embodied carbon data is the future. Obtaining our first EPD not only showcases our business’s commitment to transparency in sustainability, but also our continual pursuit to reduce our carbon footprint and work towards a more sustainable future.


To learn more about what Lionweld Kennedy are doing to minimise our impact on the environment, visit our ESG & Sustainability page and read about our other carbon reducing initiatives. For further information on EPDs and the process to obtain one, visit the BRE Global website.

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